How to Get Started?
I want to teach you today is How to get started on whatever it is you need to get started on to accomplish and achieve your goals.
I have a feeling you know what I am talking about, Just start.
Most people go through their whole lives, being afraid to get started on accomplishing their dreams and achieving their goals.
The biggest reason is self-belief. People don’t believe in themselves. They don’t think that they can accomplish get the results. So one of the biggest things to help you get started is developing the proper self-image.
Turn the “Not sure I can” into “I’ll figure it out”. Start now, work hard, and you will figure the rest out. Just start.
There are so many things that I just put off for a long time until I started working on my self-image.
Getting started is the hardest part. And what it does is create Momentum. Confidence and Momentum are the two most important things to getting to where you want to go.
There are so many books and so many things written on the subject of getting started. One of my favorites is the Five-Second rule by Mel Robbins. This book helped me in a lot of different ways. Some people call it the five-second rule, the three-second rule, but this is something we need.
Bypass a lot of mental barriers in your mind to just getting started. So, like getting ready to jump off a diving board into a cold pool, people are afraid to do that, and they do a countdown like three, two, one go. That is one of the most effective ways to get started.
Simple that it sounds stupid, but it will going to help you.
The main tip that I wanted to give you is If you have an impulse to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds /3 seconds, or your brain will kill the idea.
Because when you physically move, your brain starts to build a new belief. When you do something not used to doing, you are in the act of creating new habits and erasing existing ones.
Make sure you implement this right now. Visualize yourself. Imagine yourself as the person you want to be.
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